Shining a spotlight on Gippsland foster carers

Foster Care Week is a time dedicated to celebrating the generosity and invaluable contribution of foster carers right across Victoria and will commence on September 8, 2024.

According to the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW), over 9,000 children spent the night in out-of-home care on 30 June 2022.

The Nationals Member for Gippsland South, Danny O’Brien said that while many of these children were fortunate enough to be placed with extended family under a kinship arrangement, on average around 1,500 Victorian children are in foster care on any given night.

The Nationals Member for Gippsland South, Danny O’Brien recently provided A Better Life for Foster Kids founder Heather Baird with toys donated through his electoral office.

“The role of a foster carer is so important, and I am extremely grateful to those in our community who open their homes and indeed their lives to our most vulnerable children. A recent report highlighted the economic value of foster carers to our state at over $500 million.

“Foster Care Week is an opportunity to not only acknowledge and celebrate these kind-hearted members of our community, but to highlight the need for more carers within our community.

“When local foster carers are not available, children end up being placed away from their local area causing disruption to their schooling and taking them away from their friends at an already difficult time.”

With A Better Life for Foster Kids founder Heather Baird and her team of volunteers as he hands over disposable nappies donated through his electoral office.

Mr O’Brien recently met with A Better Life for Foster Kids founder Heather Baird who is behind the success of Gippsland’s Biggest PJ Day which will take place ahead of Foster Care Week this year on 6 September.

“Heather and her team do amazing work to help support our local carers and ensure that the children who come into their care have the essential items they need by providing crisis care kits.

“Monies raised through Gippsland Biggest PJ Day will help ensure this important community service is able to continue.”

Mr O’Brien said A Better Life for Foster Kids also provide Christmas gifts for children who find themselves in out-of-home care at Christmas.

“I have been delighted to be able to offer my office as a drop-off point for those wanting to donate toys to this deserving cause.

“My office is also a drop-off point for The Nappy Collective which has allowed me to also provide Heather with disposable nappies to place in crisis care kits.”

If you have ever thought of becoming a foster carer and are in a position to do so, please contact one of the following local organisations:

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