Renewable energy zone paper adds to Gippsland confusion

The Allan Labor Government should withdraw its draft Victorian Transmission Plan which has created confusion and angst about renewable energy developments in Gippsland.

That’s the view of The Nationals Member for Gippsland South, Danny O’Brien who called in State Parliament this week for the Plan engagement process to be withdrawn.

Mr O’Brien said it was perplexing why VicGrid, which is tasked with coordinating transmission for new energy developments across the state, is now also seeking to decide where renewable energy developments can occur.

The Nationals Member for Gippsland South, Danny O’Brien, says the State Government needs to address confusion on energy developments in Gippsland.

“This whole discussion paper and a map highlighting the best locations for renewable energy facilities is unnecessary and has added to confusion in the community.

“While I support VicGrid having a role in coordinating transmission, why it should be identifying zones for renewables when this is a job the private sector is already doing is somewhat strange.

“In the context of an already busy development landscape in Gippsland, the process is confusing and unnecessary.”

Mr O’Brien has also called in Parliament for the Government to help coordinate consultation on the bewildering array of new projects being considered at the moment.

“We are being consulted at every turn and virtually every day of the week on 12 proposed offshore wind farms, multiple proposed onshore wind and solar farms, the Marinus Link electricity connection to Tasmania, CarbonNet, the Hydrogen Energy Supply Chain pilot project, oil and gas decommissioning in Bass Strait and now VicGrid’s ill-considered Victorian transmission plan. There is a lot going on.

“While I don’t object to the consultation, it’s confusing for the community and I’m asking the State Government to take a leadership role to help coordinate all this consultation.

“This is especially the case with respect to offshore wind which, despite being many different projects, all have virtually the same issues for the community.”

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