Questions without notice and ministers statements

Mr D O’BRIEN (Gippsland South) (14:16): My question is to the Minister for Ambulance Services. Last Thursday an 82-year-old woman in Yarram fell heavily and broke her collarbone in the town’s main street. Bystanders called an ambulance. They were told by the operator that unless she was unconscious or bleeding profusely an ambulance would not be sent. Minister, how is it acceptable that when an 82-year-old woman has a serious fall in the main street of a Victorian town she cannot get an ambulance to take her to hospital?

Mr D O’BRIEN (Gippsland South) (14:20): Members of the public had to intervene and wheel the 82-year-old woman to hospital in a wheelchair, where she remains a week later. Minister, Victorians are being forced to drive themselves, call a taxi or an Uber or even be taken by strangers in a wheelchair down the main street of a town simply to get to a hospital because ambulances—

Mr Cheeseman interjected.

The SPEAKER: Order! the member for South Barwon can leave the chamber for the period of 1 hour.

Member for South Barwon withdrew from chamber.

Mr D O’BRIEN: Minister, Victorians are being forced to drive themselves, call a taxi or an Uber or even be taken by strangers in a wheelchair down the main street of a town simply to get to a hospital because ambulances are not showing up. When will this crisis in the ambulance service end?


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