Upgrades to important Gippsland roads should be a feature of the upcoming Victorian Budget, State Parliament heard this week.
The Nationals Member for Gippsland South, Danny O’Brien said the state of local roads was deplorable and the State Government was failing to act to deliver significant improvements.
Questioning the Minister for Roads in Parliament this week, Mr O’Brien said the State Budget must provide solutions to some of our road issues, including a number of specific projects in South Gippsland.
“The road to the Prom remains in a terrible state and although there have been some patch jobs, it continues to be narrow, in poor condition and with no overtaking lanes.
“It is an embarrassment that such a poor road leads to one of our most beautiful and popular national and international tourist destinations.
“I’ve also called for planning and development for the Leongatha heavy vehicle bypass stage 2, as well as the Coal Creek bends realignment which has been planned for years, but without any capital funding to proceed.”
Mr O’Brien said it was appalling that the Minister for Roads and Road Safety recently claimed to be making Victoria roads “safer and smoother” when Gippslanders know the reality is quite different.
“I’ve raised these three particular roads in State Parliament this week, but there are many others across the region in dire need of work.
“Unfortunately, we’ve seen in the past year that even when work is done, it can be substandard and lead to worse outcomes.
“The Government needs to ensure that our roads are built to a better quality and don’t need constant repairs after works are undertaken.
“I will continue to campaign for our roads and make sure we have better outcomes for our region.”