Extra time to get hold of $250 power bonus

More households across Gippsland will have an opportunity to apply for the $250 Power Savings Bonus payment after the program was extended by five months.

The Nationals Member for Gippsland South Danny O’Brien said the extension to June 30 by the State Government meant more households would be able to apply for the one-off payment, helping to cover the cost of skyrocketing cost of living.

“Under the Andrews Labor Government we’ve seen huge increases in energy prices so continuing the Power Saving Bonus scheme is the least it can do to help people access some financial relief, particularly after the difficulties of the past two years,” Mr O’Brien said.

“Given the government’s poor promotion of the program last year, I wrote out to more than 9,000 households across the Gippsland South electorate to ensure people knew about the program and how to apply.

“We were inundated with people who hadn’t heard about the program and I’m grateful to the support of many of our neighbourhood houses whom we have been working with to help hundreds of local residents apply, especially those without access to the internet.

“This one-off payment of $250 can make a world of difference to households struggling to make ends meet.

“I would encourage anyone who is eligible and has not yet taken up this grant offer to do so now it has been extended.”

The $250 one-off rebate is accessible for Victorian electricity account holders who hold a Department of Veterans Affairs Gold Card or receive payments under one of the following concession programs:

  • Centrelink Pensioner Concession
  • JobSeeker, Youth Allowance, Austudy or Abstudy
  • Department of Veterans Affairs Pensioner Concession

Eligible concession card holders who haven’t already made a claim are now able apply for the one-off $250 Power Savings Bonus at https://compare.energy.vic.gov.au/ until 30 June 2022

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